Friday, May 10, 2013

          "Given Electric Shocks and Beaten with Hooks: Shocking New Video Shows Mistreatment of Water For Elephants Star Tai." Mail Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2013.
          Water for Elephants is a movie that came out in 2011. The movie tells of a young adult male (Robert Pattinson) who loses his parents in a car accident so jumps a train which leads to a whole new adventure in his life; a circus train. The young man (Jacob) becomes part of the circus as a veterinarian, where he also falls for a girl which happens to be the owner’s wife. The reason this movie applies to the topic of elephant captivity is because during the movie they end up bringing an elephant into their circus which happens to be The Ringling Brothers (a circus today). The owner abuses the elephant when she (Rosie) doesn’t cooperate and Jacob doesn’t agree with how he’s treating her. Not to spoil the end, but Rosie, Jacob and the owner’s wife get out of the circus and live happily. Rosie, the elephant that plays a part in the movie is actually named Tai and the sad part is that in reality she’s abused where she’s held well not on the camera set. The ADI (Animal Defenders International) released the elephant that they saw Tai being given electric shocks with hand-held stun guns and being beaten with bull hooks. It’s ironic that a movie focused on much on animal rights is actually doing the same thing behind the scenes.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Elephant Cooperation

"Frans De Waal: Moral Behavior in Animals." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2013.

           Frans De Waal studies the moral, empathy, cooperation, and fairness traits of animals that seem to only be traits humans have. But his studies have proved that wrong. Watching him speak on Ted Talks, he showed video of all the experiments he did; one being of the cooperation of two elephants using positive reinforcements. They had a crate with wheels that held two bowls with food in it but the crate was behind a net with two strings hanging out so that the elephants could pull the string and get the treat. Here’s the catch, they have to pull the string at the same time or it will come out and they won’t get their food. In the first experiment they did well, pulling it at the same time and receiving their treat but during the second try, the elephants were let out at different times so one had to wait for the other. The waiting elephant decided to be smart and put its foot on the string so the other elephant had to do all the work; in other words, known as free-loading. This proves that yes, elephants have the ability to synchronize and work together and also come up with alternative techniques.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Elephants Skin

"Bullhooks." Web log post. PETA, n.d. Web.
           An elephant’s skin may look tough, but in reality it’s actually very sensitive. In some areas of their body the skin is as thin as a piece of paper; inside their ears and around the mouth, eyes, and the anus. They can actually feel the pain of an insect bite! When Humane Inspectors from San Jose, California went into The Ringling Bros. to inspect the animals, it’s reported that the elephants had injuries behind or on the back of the ears, on the under belly and also, some injuries looked fresh, with bright red blood showing. And according to the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) they stated that, “An ankus may not be used in an abusive manner that causes wounds or other injuries.” (U.S.D.A., 1.) When circuses first break baby elephants in, they tie their hind legs back and legs together tightly so that they aren’t able to lie down, also giving them restricted movement. If the elephant moves the mahouts (elephant handler) hits the baby with either a rubber whip or a bull hook. What they want the elephant to do in the end result is submission; torturing the animal into one option, obedience. The abuse that goes on is obvious but there is not enough done about it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Elephant Abuse

"How Circus Elephants Are Sometimes Abused by Their Trainers." Animal Rights. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013.

Elephants are highly endangered species; with African elephants having around 300,000 as their population and Asian elephants only 30,000. There used to be millions of elephants roaming around. This is affected by poachers for ivory and meat, as well as zoos and circuses that take these elephants from their natural environments for human entertainment. Training an elephant that weighs up to 8,000 pounds and has so much strength takes negative reinforcement. With the beating of bull hooks if they don’t “behave” or listen to commands, and confining the elephants into small spaces making them very depressed, also giving them psychological problems. You can tell an elephant has been in confinement if they continuously sway back and forth or bob their head up and down repeatedly.  A report from says that during the off season (winter) of circuses; the elephants are kept in railroad cars, trucks, or small barn stalls. That is not acceptable for any kind of animal. For example, can you imagine putting your pet (dog or cat) in a carrying crate you bring them to the veterinaries office in for up to 70-80 percent of the day, every day? If an elephant refuses to perform they are beaten with bull hooks (shown on the right), they look like they aren’t harmed at the circus because they put something called “wonder dust” to cover it up.  Eventually these elephants get so beaten up and psychologically imbalanced from years of abuse that they go nuts and end up raging at a circus show, killing or injuring people. There are many reports where an elephant has stomped off the stage of a circus performance hurting people. But is the animal itself the one that’s in the wrong or is it what we humans put them through? I think an elephant raging and killing people at a circus show is a sign that they don’t belong there. They need to be in their natural habitats. I’m not saying that EVERY circus abuses their animals like this, but it definitely happens more often than it should.

Friday, April 19, 2013


PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

            A lot of people think that Elephants have a brain the size of a peanut but that is not true. They are actually very complex animals. Not only are they capable of deep thoughts; they have a very interesting way of communicating. A recent discovery shows that some elephant communication can’t be heard by humans, where the low frequency is of 1 to 20 Hz. And 20 Hz is the absolute low that the human ear can perceive. They also make high pitched noises, use touch, smell and vision as a way of communication. But the unheard communicating comes into effect when, for example; a male is looking for a mate, to warn of a predator, or if an elephant is lost from its herd, because low frequencies travel a longer distance.  In the article linked above, Poole (an elephant researcher) says, “…elephants use more than 70 kinds of vocal sounds and 160 different visual and tactile signals, expressions, and gestures in their day-to-day interactions.” (Poole, 1) Elephants can squeal, cry, scream, roar, snort, rumble, and groan to get their point across. It’s hard to perceive that these creatures are so intelligent, and to think there are a lot stuck in zoos and circuses, being told what to do makes me cringe.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Elephants aggressive?

Schowalter-Hay, Ethan. "What Are the Causes of Aggression in Elephants?" EHow. Demand Media, 20 June 2011. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

        Elephants aren’t aggressive creatures unless they have a reason to be. Unless they’re a male going through Musth and have high doses of testosterone going through their body making them aggressive. Otherwise the only times an elephant will be aggressive is if they feel threatened by a person or something, or if there’s some sort of social tension in their herd. Elephants are naturally very defensive because they are always on the lookout for lions, hyenas, or tigers trying to take their young as a meal. Some examples of social strife might be if a male is going through Musth and gets aggressive with a bull (elder male) to earn some kind of dominance role in the herd. It’s said that male elephants fight for dominance from a young age. You can tell an elephant is upset by its ears, they will stiffen them right up and cocks there head up then shake their head back and forth. Also, an elephant might charge a predator or person to scare them, or swing its trunk in the person or predators direction. Moral of the story, don’t mess with an elephant because their size and weight is also a con for any person or predator that upsets them.

"Elephants Never Forget"

       "Fact or Fiction?: Elephants Never Forget: Scientific American." Fact or Fiction?: Elephants Never Forget: Scientific American. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.
        Elephants never forget. Research has been done to prove that elephants remember acquaintances in life even if it’s been years. They might have poor eye sight but they have a very prodigious memory. Their memory might have been adapted from having to keep track of other elephants in herds, also to tell whether an elephant is a part of their herd or a stranger. They can also tell whether an elephant is a part of the herd or not by the smell of another elephant’s urine. At the elephant sanctuary in Tennessee, two elephants were put together in a sanctuary and without the keeper knowing the two elephants had already known each other from past acquaintance while in the zoo life. They actually figured out that it was 23 years later. It’s very interesting to me that an elephant can remember for that long.